Пожалуйста помогите решить дз по английскому. Choose the appropriate participle to complete th…

Пожалуйста помогите решить дз по английскому.

Choose the appropriate participle to complete the sentences.
1) This newspaper (reading/read) by millions of people is very popular.
2) The face of the actor (playing/played) in the new film isn't familiar at all.
3) The news (broadcasting/broadcast) in the evening is one of the most popula
programmes on television.
4) These books (preparing/prepared) for the lesson must be taken to the class
5) Some pupils (writing/written) stories for children's magazines later becomi
professional journalists.
6) Who is the boy (standing/stood) in front of the others?
7) This book (publishing/published) abroad can be found only in central librar
8) This book (choosing/chosen) by you will make a very good present.
  • 1 Ответ (-а, -ов)
    1.read 2.playing 3.broadcast 4.prepared 5.writing 6.standing 7.published 8.chosen
  • Ваш ответ